Thursday, October 16, 2014

Piss me the F-off.
Ebola Decontamination answer for the stupid experts. UVC light (germicidal light)

When wearing an anti-contamination suit, leaving the infected area and removing the suit become the problem. Simply taking off the suit can get the person who wore it infected, as well as people handling the suit, getting rid of it and cross-contamination of the suit with other things along the way.
DUMB ASS EXPERTS LISTEN UP. Place a box suitable to stand in, in front of the doorway of an isolated area (make sure the boxes sealed with the doorway). Persons leaving the contaminated area walks into box, closes eyes and turns on the UVC light, (lights on all sides, ceiling and floor of the inside of the box). Ebola And any other organism on the suit now eradicated, duh. One more thing since I have to "splaine" it out. Have the person in decontamination box stretch, lift arms, spread legs, straighten folds in suit to assure all areas of suit are exposed to the light. Then dispose of as cautiously/actually recklessly as they have been. I'm so tired of dumb ass stupid experts that don't know their own damn job more than a third grader who sometimes actually have better ideas from time to time. These cavalier casual arrogant lazy non-knowing experts in authority are going to kill us all.
Piss me the F-off.
PS. Extrapolate on the idea and use UVC for decontamination and isolation of this nasty critter.